Morris Police Department

Morris, Illinois 

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."                                                                                                                                                 
Edmund Burke

The Morris Police Department is proud to introduce a program in collaboration

with Trinity Services and Special Connections of Grundy County called MPD Cares.

MPD Cares helps residents with special needs (mental and physical disabilities, mental

illness, dementia, Alzheimer's or anyone that may be at risk of becoming confused,

disoriented, lost or missing) and their family members communicate their needs to first

responders to better equip them in an emergency.

MPD Cares is designed to provide the Morris Police Department with the necessary

information that will allow them to make faster identifications, reunite family members

quicker and provide help to persons with special needs appropriately, effectively and

without delay.

The police will collect and store current photographs, emergency contact information and other personal information relevant to the special needs of the individual.  The information contained in this database is used only for emergency responders in the purpose of identifying and locating an individual who is reported missing or found wandering.

The MPD Cares program is completely voluntary.  By filling out forms (link to forms below), residents, parents and guardians are consenting to have information added to a searchable database available to police officers, paramedics and other first responders.  When officers or other first responders are called they will be able to look up and find information relating to the person and their special needs that may help officers respond appropriately in an emergency.

The Morris Police Department, at the direction of Chief Steffes, continues to send officers to "Crisis Intervention Team" (CIT) training.  CIT training is an intense 40 hour training in which officers learn de-escalation tactics, personal interaction skills for varying needs, scenario based training and more.  The Morris Police Department currently has 22 CIT trained officers and all officers are trained in Mental Health/De-Escalation training.

If you are interested or have a family member interested in participating in this program or have additional questions please contact Detective Curt Kneller at (815) 941-6282 or email:

Download MPD Cares Forms Here

MPD Cares